Changes in Pojomatic

Release 1.0 (2010-04-25)

Release 1.0-RC3 (2009-12-06)

  • Pojomatic.equals() now properly handles inheritance, including comparing instances of two separate child classes of a parent class (bug 2845939).
  • A Pojomator can now be created for an interface.
  • New annotations, OverridesEquals and SubclassCannotOverrideEqualsSubclassCannotOverrideEquals help control how inheritance is handled.
  • Properties from the parent class now come before those of the child in equals calculations and in the toString() representation.
  • Pojomatic will no longer add a method property multiple times if it is overridden (even if the overridden method is explicitly annotated).
  • Pojomatic.diff no longer requires a non-null first argument.

Release 1.0-RC2 (2009-04-07)

  • A new method, Pojomatic.diff, will show top-level differences between two instances of a pojomated class.
  • The property name derived from a method such as getFoo() is now "foo" instead of "getFoo" in the default toString() representation.
  • Names of properties in the default toString() representation can be overridden via the name attribute on the Property annotation.
  • Static fields and methods are no longer picked up by @AutoProperty (bug 2739467)

Release 1.0-RC1 (2009-01-01)

  • Initial Release