Annotation Type Property

public @interface Property

Marks a property of a class to be used by Pojomatic

See Also:

Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String name
          The name used to identify the property in the standard toString representation.
 PojomaticPolicy policy
          Which sets of Pojomatic operations (equals, hashCode and toString) should use a property.


public abstract PojomaticPolicy policy
Which sets of Pojomatic operations (equals, hashCode and toString) should use a property.



public abstract java.lang.String name
The name used to identify the property in the standard toString representation. If empty, the following algorithm is used to determine the name. For a propertiy referenced by field, the name of the field is used. For a property referenced by a method whose name is of the form getSomeField, the name someField will be used. For a boolean property referenced by a method whose name is of the form isSomeField, the name someField will be used. For any other property referenced by a method, the name of the method is used.


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